The following Enablement Packs configure WhereScape 3D to import metadata from WhereScape RED.

The packs comprise of WhereScape 3D Discovery Rules and Category Settings and each pack is compatible with a specific WhereScape RED version and metadata repository type (e.g. SQL Server).

Usage Notes:

Check your installed version in the Help -> About menu.

Unzip the downloaded file and follow the instructions in the Installation Guide.

Visit WhereScape Support should you require any assistance.

Enablement Pack version history:
Type Name Version Compatibility Release Notes Installation Guide
Design & Utilities RED 10.0.x.x PostgreSQL Repository 241219-1548 RED 10.0.x.x, 3D NA Installation Guide
Design & Utilities RED 10.0.x.x PostgreSQL Repository 230320-1724 RED 10.0.x.x 3D NA Installation Guide
Design & Utilities RED 8.6.x.x SQL Server Repository 230205-1303 RED 8.6.x.x 3D 8.6.8.x NA Installation Guide
Design & Utilities RED 8.6.x.x SQL Server Repository 220524-1600 RED 8.6.x.x 3D 8.6.7.x NA Installation Guide
Design & Utilities RED 8.6.x.x SQL Server Repository 220214-1743 RED 8.6.x.x 3D 8.6.6.x NA Installation Guide

WhereScape® RED

WhereScape® 3D

Data Vault Express

Enablement Packs